Sunday, January 23, 2011

Aspen grove

This little photo shoot was done a few months ago. The model is my sister, and we went out with my co-worker and fellow photographer Jolie Watts.

I have several more from this set that I will add later on. I uploaded the originals to this computer but the finished products are on the other laptop.

Lazy Sunday

Today has been a day of much needed rest and simply doing whatever we want to do.
That feels good sometimes. I realize I get into this mindset that any time I have a day off, I need to be doing things I SHOULD be doing. Which can be good. I mean, this is what keeps my house clean, the dishes done, the dogs fed, dinner on the table. But every once in awhile I need to justrelax. And that is what was accomplished today. It is also what we are trying to incorporate into our lifestyle.

Right now we are seeking our purpose and/or mission together in this life. I just don't see the point in working jobs and paying bills and never seeing each other or our family and friends. We only have one life to live and I want to live it. I feel like there are a lot of things that have been passing us by, and I wasn't able to understand why we were continuing to let them pass by unacknowledged. We finally talked about it, and what do you know? We both were feeling the same thing. I wasn't just going through something or being emotional. Neither one of us want the "American dream". So now we are trying to figure out what to do about it.
It is my goal to post regularly to this blog. If I am posting regularly that means I am taking photos, which means I am (hopefully) learning and improving as I go. I think if I obligate myself to post things here I will be more apt to improve my game. So, here we go.